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Bid Box Pro Is Now WarrantyHub

Our platform has evolved, and we wanted a name that better reflects our mission as the central hub for warranty and claim management. Our core commitment remains the same, and we're incredibly grateful for your continued support in this new chapter.

We are excited — and slightly nostalgic — to share a major milestone in our company’s journey. Bid Box Pro, a name that has been our identity since our inception, is evolving into something new, something more “us”: WarrantyHub.

Over the past year, as we met with customers and business partners and as our platform grew, we came to realize that the name of our company no longer relates to the services we provide, and to make matters worse, that name was a source of confusion. We decided it was time to find a new name that better fits what we currently do and who we are as a company.

Searching for our new name was less of a quest and more of a team adventure. We tossed around ideas, from the practical to the downright quirky (yep, even ‘Claim Taco’ made an appearance). It was all about the fun and camaraderie it brought to our team. We worked through the joys and frustrations of name-hunting, verified if each prospective name “rolled off the tongue,” if the domain was available, and a whole slew of other checks and tests.  (Those of you who have worked through any similar business-naming process probably know all about the level of effort this search process can demand.)

And then, there it was: WarrantyHub. Clear, concise, and a perfect fit for our mission.

WarrantyHub reflects our commitment to being the central hub for all things warranty and claim management. Our core remains unchanged, but now we’re doing it with a name that captures the heart of our mission.

The Tale Behind The Transition

Now, let’s rewind a bit and spill the tea on why we’re making this change. Picture it as a story of growth, a dash of self-discovery, and a whole lot of enthusiasm for what lies ahead.

Let’s be real — Bid Box Pro left some folks scratching their heads. Sure, it had a nice ring to it, but did it mean we managed bids? Boxes? Pros? Mysteries are cool and all, but our name shouldn’t be one of them.

When we started as Bid Box Pro, our ambition was clear: to simplify the process of connecting real estate professionals with top-rated service providers. A real estate agent might have a property that needed work done, and they wanted a way to get the work done by a reputable craftsman in a reasonable timeframe and at a competitive cost.  Our software at the time allowed professional contractors (“pros”) to place bids on these “boxes” of work – hence the name “Bid Box Pro.”

Our service offerings expanded over time, and just like a band that outgrows its garage roots (but still cherishes those early demos), we recognized the importance of aligning our name with our evolving product. No more puzzled looks or awkward pauses, no more need to explain our company’s backstory, just a simple and direct name that encompasses what we do now.

Warrantyhub dashboard

A Thank You to Our Community

A massive shoutout to you – our community, our team, everyone on this wild ride. None of this would be possible without your support. As we step into the future as WarrantyHub, get ready for more growth and innovation and ensure our platform remains your trusty warranty management sidekick.

Here’s to new beginnings, a name that fits like a glove, and the continued journey ahead. We can’t wait to see where this next chapter takes us together!

Latest Knowledge Base Media


How to Change Your Password

If you need to reset or change your password on WarrantyHub, there are two straightforward methods to do so.


How to Add & Invite New Members

Efficiently growing your team is pivotal to scaling your business operations. Our guide on ‘Adding a New Team Member in WarrantyHub’ provides a straightforward process to incorporate new staff into your system.


Creating Or Editing A Policy

Tailoring insurance policies to meet the specific needs of your clients is crucial in the warranty management sector. This guide on ‘Creating or Editing a Policy in WarrantyHub’ is your resource for customizing policies with precision.

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Vendor Management Solutions

PJ Johnson, Owner/Broker
Redefined Real Estate

Find a good home warranty company that uses this platform. Ordering a warranty for my clients keeps me very well-connected after the sale. I can place and track orders under my account, and I even get updates when clients file claims. It’s nice to see how my clients are being cared for.